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2007-04-04 Buchzitat ?Factotum? - Auszüge Charles BUKOWSKI
?You married, Manny??
?No way.?
?Sometimes. But it never lasts.?
?WhatŽs the problem??
?A woman is a full-time job. You have to choose your profession.?
?I suppose there is an emotional drain.?
?Physical too. They want to fuck night and day.?
?Get one you like to fuck.?
?Yes, but if you drink or gamble they think itŽs a put-down of their love.?
?Get one who likes to drink, gamble and fuck.?
?Who wants a woman like that??

... then I got up and went to the bathroom. I had running shits ... then I got up and wiped, looked; what a mess, I thought, what a lovely powerful stink. Then I vomited and flushed it all away ... I went and sat on the edge of the bed and rolled a cigarette. I hadnŽt wiped myself very well. When I got up to look for a beer there was a wet brown stain. I went into the bathroom and wiped myself again. Then I sat on the bed with my beer and waited for Jan to awaken ...